The Bobbi Fringe Scarf, a cozy fall Tunisian crochet scarf with fringe

Bobbie Fringe

Embrace the chill of fall when you wrap yourself in the Bobbi Fringe Scarf, a new FREE Tunisian crochet wrap pattern from TL Yarn Crafts & Lion Brand Yarn.

I am proud to say I embrace my basic b*tch nature during the fall months. I come running for pumpkin-themed coffee drinks, I schedule my apple picking trips early and often, and I love, love, LOVE layers. Give me a crisp autumn day and I immediately reach into my copious collection of wraps and scarves for the perfect compliment. The latest addition to my accessories wardrobe is the playful Bobbi Fringe Scarf.

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Bobbi Fringe Scarf | Beginner friendly Tunisian crochet scarf with tassels. Includes free crochet pattern and helpful tutorial video. | TLYCBlog.com

Find a printer-friendly PDF version of the Bobbi Fringe Scarf in my Ravelry Shop and on TLYarnCrafts.com. The PDF, 1-page pattern is printer-friendly and ad-free.

Want the full crafty experience? Get the Bobbi Fringe Scarf as an all-in-one kit from Lion Brand! The kit includes all of the yarn you need for the scarf delivered right to your door plus a printable PDF version of the pattern. You can even add the Tunisian crochet hook needed right to your kit. Build your dream kit on the Lion Brand Website.

Bobbi Fringe Scarf | Beginner friendly Tunisian crochet scarf with tassels. Includes free crochet pattern and helpful tutorial video. | TLYCBlog.com


I’m a sucker for a good adornment on a crochet project. Frisky fringe, playful poms, and energetic tassels really get my going. To make the ultimate fall scarf, I knew fringe had to play a big part. The fringe on the Bobbi Fringe Scarf serves 2 roles.

Odyssey Wrap // Barclay Beanie // Hayride Triangle Scarf

First, it adds some needed personality to this simple Tunisian crochet scarf. And second, it hides any wonky issues with your foundation and bind-off edges. See, fringe really does make everything better!

Bobbi Fringe Scarf | Beginner friendly Tunisian crochet scarf with tassels. Includes free crochet pattern and helpful tutorial video. | TLYCBlog.com

TLYC vs. Homespun Yarn

Like most makers, I have a tumultuous history with Lion Brand’s Homespun yarn. As a beginner crocheter, I fell in love with this yarn at the craft store and bought a ton of it without having any idea what I’d make or how to use it. Needless to say, my naivety bit me in the butt not long after.

Bobbi Fringe Scarf | Beginner friendly Tunisian crochet scarf with tassels. Includes free crochet pattern and helpful tutorial video. | TLYCBlog.com

Long story short, Homespun is kind of a beast to work with. The highly textured nature of this yarn makes it tough to find your stitches and hides just about any stitch pattern you put into it. When designing the Bobbi Fringe Scarf, I knew I’d need to keep the pattern simple and rely more on the shape, colors, and adornments to bring life to this yarn.

I’d like to think I did a pretty decent job. The finished Bobbi Fringe Scarf is long, has great drape, and the color blocking brings a modern twist to this classic yarn. Better yet, it’s the perfect project for beginners. It’s everything you could want in a Tunisian crochet scarf. With a pattern like this, everybody wins!

Bobbi Fringe Scarf | Beginner friendly Tunisian crochet scarf with tassels. Includes free crochet pattern and helpful tutorial video. | TLYCBlog.com

Get the Bobbi Fringe Scarf all-in-one kit from Lion Brand now!

Keep scrolling for the free version of the pattern.

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Bobbi Fringe Scarf | Beginner friendly Tunisian crochet scarf with tassels. Includes free crochet pattern and helpful tutorial video. | TLYCBlog.com

Bobbi Fringe Scarf Details



11″ wide x 85″ long, not including fringe


4″ = 8 rows x 9.5 stitches in Tunisian simple stitch


Cc = change color

Ch = chain

Lts = last Tunisian stitch

RetP = return pass

St(s) = stitches

Tps = Tunisian purl stitch

Tss = Tunisian simple stitch


Change Color (cc): Complete the Return Pass until there are only 2 loops left on the hook, drop the current color, yarn over with the new color, pull through both loops on hook.

Last Tunisian Stitch (Lts): Insert hook under BOTH loops of the last stitch on the forward pass and complete as for Tss.

Return Pass (RetP): Ch 1, *yo, pull through 2 loops; repeat from * until 1 loop remains on the hook.


  • Cut the yarn no longer in use after a color change.
  • New to Tunisian crochet? Practice the basics and color changes with these tutorial videos.

Bobbi Fringe Scarf Pattern

More of a visual learner? Make the Bobbi Fringe Scarf alongside me with this helpful tutorial video:

Scarf Pattern

ROW 1: With A, ch 27, flip ch to work in the back bumps of the ch, pull up a loop in the back bump of the 2nd ch from hook and each ch across the row, RetP.

ROW 2: Tps 2, tss each st to last 3 sts, tps 2, Lts, RetP.

Bobbi Fringe Scarf | Beginner friendly Tunisian crochet scarf with tassels. Includes free crochet pattern and helpful tutorial video. | TLYCBlog.com

ROWS 3-30: Repeat Row 2. Cc to B at the end of Row 30.

ROWS 31-90: Repeat Row 2. Cc to A at the end of Row 90.

Bobbi Fringe Scarf | Beginner friendly Tunisian crochet scarf with tassels. Includes free crochet pattern and helpful tutorial video. | TLYCBlog.com

ROWS 91-120: Repeat Row 2.

Slip stitch loosely in each stitch across the row to bind off. Weave in all ends and steam block to finished dimensions as needed.


Cut 108 18” lengths of color A. Holding 2 strands together, attach fringe to each stitch along the short sides of the scarf. Steam the fringe gently to relax the fibers, then trim the fringe to an even length, about 8.5” long.


Weave in all remaining ends.

Steam block to finished measurements as necessary.

Bobbi Fringe Scarf | Beginner friendly Tunisian crochet scarf with tassels. Includes free crochet pattern and helpful tutorial video. | TLYCBlog.com

Purchase the Bobbi Fringe Scarf pattern HERE!

Thanks for joining me to make the Bobbi Fringe Scarf. I hope this pattern healed any ill will you have against Homespun yarn, lol. When used properly, this yarn really can be so pretty. Share your Tunisian crochet scarf with me on Instagram using the hashtag #TLYCMakers. Then do a little showing off in the TLYCMakers Facebook group.

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  1. AvatarMyndi says

    Thanks for the pattern and the video tutorial! I have some yarn like this gathering dust and hopefully I can now put it to good use.

  2. AvatarDiEtta says

    I would love to see this scarf pattern with pockets. I think I will make it a little longer and bring up to make the pockets at each end. Thanks for sharing pattern.

  3. AvatarMaria De Rose says

    THANK YOUUUUU for this pattern. I did the exact same when I started crocheting: Went out and purchased yarn not really knowing anything about the yarn. This is such a great Tunisian beginner project! On to my 30th row and time to change colours!

  4. AvatarTracey says

    Thanks for this great pattern and tutorial!

    I’m with you will healing my memories of Homespun…it was one of the first yarns I bought because it was so fuzzy and pretty but it was a beast to work with. I’m a HUGE fan of your patterns and I’m excited to teach my daughter how to crochet using this pattern.

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